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40-Hour Comprehensive Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training

Advanced Practice Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Currently Scheduled Courses

Comprehensive Mediation Training (40-hour Certificate of Completion)
Participants learn mediation from the inside out, including the theory and practice of managing and resolving conflict in a variety of contexts and forums; come away with valuable communication and conflict-resolution skills; gain an understanding of best practices; and learn how to build a successful career in the field.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution (UC Berkeley Extension Course No. BUS ADM X499.2)
Next dates for this course (held on five Saturdays) are March 9, 23, and 30 & April 6 and 13, 2019. (Classroom location TBA.)  See also Registration page for details.


Participants who cannot attend on one of the above dates may be able to attend a subsequent session.

Certificates of Completion will be given only to those who complete the full 40 hours of the program.

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